Are You Making Good Choices?


All the toss pillows, styled vignettes and plants don't mean a thing if you don't feel good.

So let's put the decor & the garden aside for a moment and talk about an easy way to feel good every day.

Eat better.

Not even less ... just better.

Summer table decor

It is simple, if you eat better ... you feel better.

The better you feel the more you can enjoy your home, your garden and most importantly the ones you love.

Sometimes eating better is clear cut - Hmmm? Banana or Milky way?

Other times it is not so obvious, so I encourage you to read the labels & seek out food that will make you feel better.

We all got used to looking at the calories, then the fat.  I also started looking for the sugar content.  That has made a big difference in the choices I make at the grocery store.  Sugar is hidden everywhere!

Today I am cluing you in on something else you should look for when shopping, DHA fortified foods.

DHA Omega-3 is a key nutrient needed for all stages of life.  It supports brain & eye health in particular.  And you know what ~ our bodies do not produce it in sufficient quantities.  

To get enough DHA Omega-3 you need to eat certain foods, like fatty fish (good fat) and eggs.  But not everyone is a fish or egg lover.  So now there is a way to get all the DHA Omega-3 you need to feel good.

Frittata with Sweet potato & arugula

Simply look for foods that are fortified with DHA.  When you see this label, rest assured the food is chock full of healthy DHA Omega-3. 


lifesDHA® is a vegetarian source of Omega-3 made from algae. (The algae is what makes the fatty fish high in Omega-3. It's their diet and fish pass it on to you when you eat them.)  Now you can go right to the source so to speak with lifesDHA® fortified foods.

Get even more information about lifesDHA® at their website.

So look for & drop in your cart foods that are labeled with this logo.

Here's to feeling good ~ or even great ~ everyday!

** Kelly **

This post sponsor – life’sDHA® - educated me on the importance of nutrients – including DHA omega-3 – for all stages of life.


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