Master Bedroom - Inspiration for a Sanctuary


I walk past, the bed is rumpled.

A pile of laundry ( at least clean ) is sprawled on the "statement chair".

In the corner a dust bunny lurks.

A 7th grade math text book sticks out from under the dresser. 

Master bedroom inspiration

This is not what I had in mind.

When we moved, I declared our new master bedroom would be a "sanctuary".

Not the place where movies played on the tv and kids gathered.

Not the place where laundry got dumped after coming out of the dryer.

Not the place where bunnies & math books went to hide.

That was my bedroom in the last house - decidedly not a sanctuary.

Master Bedroom Inspiration

I need to break the cycle of bedroom abuse - how can we relax there when the laundry is waiting to be folded, bunnies to be caught & math books to be picked up? 

Master bedroom inspiration

All that has to go & be replaced with crisp sheets, plump pillows, fresh flowers, yummy smelling candles, grown up window treatments, art and good lighting.

My sanctuary doesn't have to cost a bundle.  There are great bedroom furniture discounts to be had and I can shop my house to style it.  

It's not spending lots of money that will make our bedroom the sanctuary.  It is an attitude adjustment. If we treat it like a special room it will be a special room.

White bedroom

Is your master bedroom a laundry dumping zone, kid movie theater or an otherwise catch all place?

Do you want a sanctuary too?

You do...great!  Let's create the master bedroom we want together.

Follow the My Soulful Home - Bedrooms Pinterest Board for more bedroom/sanctuary inspiration.

Tell me what your sanctuary will look like?

** Kelly **


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