Spring Decor - Decorating my Hearth


Well, despite what might be said,

size does matter.

For televisions anyway.

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

What does this have to do with my Spring decor you ask…?

It is the reason I am decorating my hearth not my mantle.  You see, well you don't see, 'cause I didn't show you. There is a big tv up top.

This is my family room, so a tv is a must for our movie nights, sports & Downton. I work around it by decorating the hearth.

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

Decorating for Spring 

I like adding seasonal decor to this room. It is the room we really live in together, so we enjoy it more in here.  Well, I enjoy it, maybe the others just see it, but that's good too!

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

So what do you think?

I used a neutral palette, pops of green, my faux flower branches, bunnies from my garden, a lovely nest and two birdies that just flew in the other day.

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

The two round pops of green are moss balls I got at Pottery Barn.  Let me tell you about these...

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

They weren't even on sale & were the same price as just the styrofoam balls at the craft store.  By the time you buy the balls, the moss & make it… What a deal!  I was thrilled and it was obvious! 

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

Moss balls probably never made someone so happy.

That seemed to be the case based on the sales lady's face as I juggled them up to the counter.  She just peered at me as I exclaimed beaming, "I can't believe your balls are so cheap!!"

Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

She didn't know that I had all the makings of a moss ball project in my cart at a craft store only days before.  Changed my mind & unloaded as that project was adding up!

  Spring decor in the family room http://mysoulfulhome.com

Hope you enjoyed my Spring hearth! You can see my living room mantle decorated for another season here.

Make it Spring Inside http://mysoulfulhome.com

Daisy Mae Belle & At Home with the Barkers aka Melissa & Sonya put together this tour. (thank you ladies!)

Pop on over and visit my friends who have also decorated for Spring today: 

At the Picket Fence

Town & Country Living

Refresh & Restyle

Lilacs & Longhorns

Have you gotten any great deals lately?

** Kelly **

linking up at Savvy Southern Style & The Scoop



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