VIDEO ~ Five Tips for a Holiday Table and Thoughts on ...


Come on into the dining room ...

Slowly I have been decorating it for Christmas. 

I don't like to rush my decorating anytime of the year, but it is hard to resist getting caught up in the frenetic pace that swirls around us this time of year.

But do resist!  Enjoy decorating at your pace & to your liking.

Christmas dining room tour

A big part of the holidays involves dining and gathering around a table, so it makes sense to focus on creating a beautiful, memorable & comfortable table. If this is all you do it will be more than enough, trust me!

And it is easy to create such a table by following my tips. 

I created a video so you can see my TOP FIVE TIPS for a HOLIDAY TABLE in action.

Now relax for a few minutes and enjoy the video! Just click the arrow to play ...

Five Tips for a Holiday Table

If you plan, prepare & start early you can enjoy the creative process of putting your table together without feeling rushed. 

Creativity takes time and thoughts come together as you go along. 

Simply spending time in a space/room in your home can let you see it with fresh eyes.

Fresh eyes on my dining room told me something would look good hanging with the box wood wreath, so I tied on an antique silhouette.

I dug the small framed silhouette out of a box at the most fantastic estate sale. (same sale where I got the trophy seen HERE. )

Christmas dining room wreath

Once the silhouette was in place, I 'decided' she was Mrs. Hood.  Mrs. Marion Hood ~ the woman who had our house built back in 1886.  I like the idea of having her still hanging around ;)

If I was flying around the room tossing pinecones in a flurry, Mrs. Hood would still be in a bag in my trunk.  

Give yourself the luxury of time to be creative and to enjoy your table design before guests arrive. 

... And when they do arrive enjoy them.  Light the candles, pour a glass, toast and be happy!

Christmas dining room tour

Don't let the frenetic pace that the world turns on this time of year creep in to spoil your good cheer. 

If you feel that frenzy feeling coming on listen to our PODCAST episode "DO LESS ENJOY MORE this holiday season".  Listen and know you are in good company doing just that! Click HERE.

xx  Kelly xx

p.s. Here is the dining room in a Christmas past - click HERE.


Christmas Kitchen Tour - VIDEO


Holiday Table Decorating - Styled & Set