Spring Wreaths - round up


I feel like making something pretty to hang on my front door.

Adding a bit more Spring to go along with my new container garden.

Spring wreath ideas http://mysoulfulhome.com

Spring is fleeting here. It comes & goes even faster than 'winter'.  (I know, cry me a blizzard, right?)

I looked around and found some inspiration from some of my bHome friends. 

Doing a quick search on bHome for Spring wreaths I came up with several. ( have you tried a search on the app yet? )

Here are a few that caught my eye for their beauty, simplicity and easy tutorials.

Spring Wreath from On Sutton Place http://mysoulfulhome.com

Everything looks good on this blue door of Ann's.  On Sutton Place, Ann's fabulous blog, is full of ideas for wreaths & how to's.

 Eucalyptus Wreath by Maison de Pax http://mysoulfhome.com

I love the versatility of Rachel's eucalyptus wreath (and it is so inexpensive to make!)  This is a perfect winter, to spring, sliding into summer wreath.  Spot on for St. Patrick's day for sure.  Thank you for the inspiration Maison de Pax!

Spring wreath by Craftberry bush http://mysoulfulhome.com

There really is nothing Lucy, at Craftberry Bush, does that isn't beautiful. This wreath has her signature delicate touch and the essence of Spring.  

I love my nest wreath from last Easter, but it is too early to put that one on the door.

Nest wreath tutorial http://mysoulfulhome.com/nest-wreath-tutorial-and-a-bit-of-history/

Inspired by my friends and fueled with supplies from Michael's I am ready to create my own early Spring decor tomorrow.  I'll share on Friday.

Hope you have had a chance to experience bHome, our new app.  It is really easy to use, convenient & such fun! We have been getting fantastic feedback.  Hope you will give it a try! 

Can't wait to start my Spring project…what are you up to today?

** Kelly **



Tote Wreath for Spring - tutorial


Container Garden 101 - for Spring